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Who is Dr. Jeff?

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Dr. Jeff Vinokur is a real scientist with a PhD in Biochemistry!


He loved science as a kid in elementary school.

Dr. Jeff grew up in Montvale, NJ, and liked playing sports, but most of all he loved science. He did DIY science experiments in the kitchen during elementary school and by high school, even had his own lab in his garage!

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He studied science in college & earned his PhD in Biochemistry

He went to college at the University of Wisconsin-Madison studying science and then at the University of California - Los Angeles where he earned his PhD. He studied ways to make fuels from plants instead of fossil fuels.

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He started doing school assemblies to share his passion for science with kids.

Jeff started performing science assemblies at elementary schools where he made things bubble, fizz, explode, and change colors. He performed at more than 400 schools nationwide as well as the World Science Festival and the Singapore Science Festival.

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He began appearing on
National TV shows.

To share his passion with even more people, Jeff performed on America’s Got Talent, NBC's Today Show, ABC’s Good Morning America, Discovery Channel, and more. Jeff's passion for science was now being seen by millions of people.

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The light-bulb moment for the Generation Genius Idea.

While performing, kids would ask Jeff if he was Bill Nye the Science Guy, because they were still watching that 25-year-old show in school. That was the "Aha!" moment when Dr. Jeff realized he could use his experience in schools, on TV, and being a real scientist to make science videos for today’s generation.

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Dr. Jeff formed a Hollywood team and made 100+ episodes!

Every superhero needs a sidekick, Dr. Jeff found one in Eric Rollman, who produced Marvel shows like Spider-Man. Together, they set out on a mission to make the best school science shows ever. With hundreds of Hollywood filmmakers on their team, they spent the next 5 years making 117 episodes covering every science topic from K-8, all hosted by Dr. Jeff.

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Today Generation Genius is used by millions of kids
every single week.

On its first day, only 2 teachers signed up for Generation Genius, but soon word spread that kids loved it. Today, more than 3 million students watch Dr. Jeff every single week. Jeff's videos are used in more than 30% of all elementary schools in America.

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Dr. Jeff continues to work on Generation Genius every day.

Dr. Jeff is always working on new ways to reach kids with science. He looks forward to sharing science with more kids like you.

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