Numbers have one or more digits. The digits in 43 are 4 and 3. Place value is the value of a digit based on its place in the number.
To better understand place value…
Identify the tens and ones places in numbers.
The 1 in the number 12 is in the tens place. The 2 in 12 is in the ones place. 95 has a 9 in the tens place and a 5 in the ones place.
You can break numbers into tens and ones.
The number 14 has a 1 in the tens place. It has a 4 in the ones place. There are 1 ten and 4 ones in 14. 27 is 2 tens and 7 ones.
There are zeroes in numbers.
0 is an important number. The zero in 20 tells us that there are no ones. That helps us know that the 2 in 20 is in the tens place. 20 is 2 tens and 0 ones.
Compare 46 and 64.
46 has 4 tens and 6 ones. 64 has 6 tens and 4 ones. 46 and 64 have the same digits but have very different values. The place of a digit shows its value.
79 and 1 More.
Suppose you have 79 crackers. That’s 7 tens and 9 ones. You add another cracker. Now there are 7 tens and 10 ones. 10 ones is the same as 1 ten. Then you have 8 tens. 8 tens is 80. There are 80 crackers.