Data is information we can collect. We can represent data in pictographs and bar graphs.
To better understand data: pictographs & bar graphs…
Count balloons using tally marks.
You have some balloons. You can use tally marks to show how many you have of each color. There are 5 red balloons: ||||. There are 7 blue balloons: |||| ||. There are 4 orange balloons: ||||
Draw a pictograph to show balloons.
A pictograph uses pictures to show data. You can make a pictograph to show the colors of your balloons. Draw a line. On one side of the line, write "Red." On the other side, draw 5 red balloons in a row. You can do the same each color. Every graph needs a title: "Number of Balloons I have." A key shows that 1 balloon picture represents 1 balloon.
Read a pictograph about cupcakes.
You have a pictograph with the title "Bake Sale Items Sold." This pictograph tells how many of each bake sale item was sold. The key shows that one dot = 1 item. Cupcakes have 7 dots. That means 7 cupcakes were sold.
Make a bar graph to represent BBQ foods.
You need 10 hamburgers, 6 slices of pizza, 14 hotdogs, and 8 grilled cheese sandwiches for your BBQ party. You can use a bar graph to show your data. The height of a bar shows how many you have in a category. The bar for hamburgers is 10 units high. The bar for pizza is 6 units high. Title the graph "Types of Food We Have.”
Read a bar graph about pets.
A bar graph has a title "Types of Pets People Have." That tells you that the graph represents the number of different types of pets different people have. The bar for 'no pets' is 5 units high, so 5 people have no pets. The bar for 'dogs' is 9 units high, so 9 people have dogs.