You can partition shapes into equal shares. Shares are equal when they are the same size.
To better understand partitioning shapes into equal shares…
Make 2 equal shares of a circle.
You have a pancake. It's in the shape of a circle. You can share your pancake fairly by cutting it into equal shares. You cut a line straight down the middle. There are 2 pieces. The equal parts are called halves. 2 halves make 1 whole.
Stack parts to check for equal shares.
You cut a pancake into 2 parts. How can you tell if your pieces are equal shares? Stack one piece on top of the other. They are exactly the same. The 2 pieces are equal shares.
Make 4 equal shares of a rectangle.
You have a waffle. It's in the shape of a rectangle. You can share your waffle fairly by cutting it into equal shares. You cut your rectangle into 4 equal parts. 4 equal parts are called fourths. 4 fourths make 1 whole.
Find if the shares are equal.
You have a sandwich. It's in the shape of a square. You cut your sandwich into 4 parts. Some parts are larger than others. The parts are not equal shares. The parts are not fourths.
Make 3 equal parts of a circle.
You have a quesadilla. It is in the shape of a circle. You can use a string to help you make 3 equal parts. 3 equal parts are called thirds. 3 thirds make 1 whole.
How do you split a shape into halves? How many halves make a whole?
How do you split a shape into fourths? How many fourths make a whole?
Imagine you split a shape into three equal parts. What are the parts called?
Is there more than one way to split a square in half? Explain.
Imagine you split a rectangle into four parts that are all different sizes. Are the parts fourths?
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