facebook Money: Combinations of Bills & Coins Lesson Plan | K, 1st & 2nd Grade
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Read About Money: Combinations of Bills & Coins

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Money: Combinations of Bills & Coins

You can use combinations of coins and bills to show different amounts of money. Start with the greatest bill or coin. Then count on to show the amount.

To better understand Money: Combinations of Bills & Coins…

WHAT IS MONEY: COMBINATIONS OF BILLS & COINS?. You can use combinations of coins and bills to show different amounts of money. Start with the greatest bill or coin. Then count on to show the amount. To better understand Money: Combinations of Bills & Coins…


What is the value of each type of coin?

What is the value of each type of coin?

There are four types of US coins: pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters. Pennies are worth 1 cent. Nickels are worth 5 cents. Dimes are worth 10 cents. Quarters are worth 25 cents.

What is the value of each type of coin? There are four types of US coins: pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters. Pennies are worth 1 cent. Nickels are worth 5 cents. Dimes are worth 10 cents. Quarters are worth 25 cents.

How much money do I have?

How much money do I have?

You can count on to find the value of a group of coins. You have 3 quarters, 2 nickels, and 4 pennies. Count the quarters: 25, 50, 75. Count the nickels: 80, 85. Count the pennies: 86, 87, 88, 89. You have 89 cents in all.

How much money do I have? You can count on to find the value of a group of coins. You have 3 quarters, 2 nickels, and 4 pennies. Count the quarters: 25, 50, 75. Count the nickels: 80, 85. Count the pennies: 86, 87, 88, 89. You have 89 cents in all.

Using 2 types of coins

Using 2 types of coins

You want to buy a toy that costs 85 cents. Start with quarters. 3 quarters is 75 cents. You need 10 more cents. A dime is 10 cents. 85 cents is 3 quarters and 1 dime.

Using 2 types of coins You want to buy a toy that costs 85 cents. Start with quarters. 3 quarters is 75 cents. You need 10 more cents. A dime is 10 cents. 85 cents is 3 quarters and 1 dime.

Using dollar bills and 2 types of coins

Using dollar bills and 2 types of coins

A cupcake costs $2.24. $2 is 2 dollar bills. Next, make 24 cents. You cannot use a quarter, since 25 cents is too much. 2 dimes and 4 pennies make 24 cents. $2.24 is 2 dollar bills, 2 dimes, and 4 pennies.

Using dollar bills and 2 types of coins A cupcake costs $2.24. $2 is 2 dollar bills. Next, make 24 cents. You cannot use a quarter, since 25 cents is too much. 2 dimes and 4 pennies make 24 cents. $2.24 is 2 dollar bills, 2 dimes, and 4 pennies.

Using dollar bills and 3 or 4 types of coins

Using dollar bills and 3 or 4 types of coins

A pet guinea pig costs $3.42. First take 3 dollar bills. Add 1 quarter to make $3.25. Add 1 dime to make $3.35. Add 1 nickel to make $3.40. Finally add 2 pennies to make $3.42. $3.42 is 3 dollar bills, 1 quarter, 1 dime, 1 nickel, and 2 pennies.

Using dollar bills and 3 or 4 types of coins A pet guinea pig costs $3.42. First take 3 dollar bills. Add 1 quarter to make $3.25. Add 1 dime to make $3.35. Add 1 nickel to make $3.40. Finally add 2 pennies to make $3.42. $3.42 is 3 dollar bills, 1 quarter, 1 dime, 1 nickel, and 2 pennies.


Money that is made of metal.
Money that is made of paper.
A coin worth 1 cent.
A coin worth 5 cents.
A coin worth 10 cents.
A coin worth 25 cents.
A bill that is worth one dollar.


I need to buy a cucumber that costs $1.30. How could I find out what kind of money I need?

Start with the dollar first, 1 dollar bill. Next, look at the greatest-valued coin, a quarter. Now you have $1.25, so you also need 1 nickel.

I need to buy some lettuce that costs $2.43. In what order should I choose my bills and coins?

First, choose 2 dollar bills. Then, 1 quarter, 1 dime, 1 nickel, and 3 pennies.
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