Countdown Reaction
Reach into your kit and pull out the bag that says Experiment 3. Take everything out of the bag and place it around the white mat. Then, place the empty bag back in your box.
The bottles of liquid are color-coded. Start by matching the blue bottle with the puffy starch. Then match the green bottle with the little vitamin c tablet.
First, let’s start with the blue bottle. Uncap and remove the seal. Drop in the puffy starch, if it doesn’t fit, simply squish it a bit to make it smaller.
Now, let’s setup the green bottle. Just like before, uncap, remove the seal, and this time, drop in the Vitamin C. tablet. Screw on the other squeeze lid and shake for 10 seconds.
Next, twist to open the top of the blue bottle. Gently squeeze, and fill the measuring cup with 12.5ml. Pour the liquid from the measuring cup into the petri dish.
Next, let’s do the same thing with the other bottle. Twist to open the top of the green bottle and fill the measuring cup with 12.5ml.
Pour the liquid from the measuring cup into the petri dish. Wait about 10 seconds to see the reaction. It turned blue!
Pour the blue liquid from your petri dish into one of the empty cups provided and repeat the steps above to watch this reaction again. You can even spray the destain into the petri dish to make it change back to clear.
Now, clear your workspace and place the two empty cups in the center. Let’s see what happens when we do this same experiment in cups.
Start by filling the measuring cup all the way up with the liquid from the blue bottle. Then pour all the liquid in your measuring cup into the large empty cup.
Repeat the same steps with the green bottle. Fill the measuring cup all the way up then pour it into the last empty cup.
Mix the liquids together by pouring one cup into the other. Do this back-and-forth three times.
Finally, let’s try it again but this time with different amounts. This time, fill the entire measuring cup with the liquid from the blue bottle and pour it into the other empty cup.
Next, only fill ½ of the measuring cup with the liquid from the green bottle and pour it into one of the empty cups.
Now let’s try it once more. This time fill only half of the measuring cup with the liquid from the blue bottle and pour it into an empty cup.
How It Works
Two of the chemicals want to make it clear and the other two want to make it blue. They compete like a game of tug-of-war. At first, the clear team is winning, but it gets tired out and all used up, so eventually, the blue team wins. This means that the amount of chemicals we mix in can change how long the countdown takes.
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