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Kindergarten Math Videos & Lessons. Try it free.

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Top Kindergarten Math Lessons

Read & Write Numbers to 100

We'll practice counting to 100 by 1’s. We’ll also learn how to write numbers to 100! And we'll explore how this knowledge can help us prepare for a competition and keep track of how many exercises we do.

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Write Numbers up to 20

We'll learn how to write numbers up to 20! We'll also learn that when we have 10 or more objects, we need to pay attention to the order as we write the number. And we'll see how this knowledge can help us find out how many bunnies, balloons and even toy dinosaurs we have!

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Intro to Counting Objects

How to count up to 20 objects! We will also see how numbers can tell us the amount of objects we have. And we’ll explore how counting can tell us how many pet bunnies, toy cars and even snacks we have!

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Comparing Quantities up to 10

How to compare amounts up to 10. How to tell if an amount is greater than, less than, or equal to another amount. How comparing amounts can help us know the amount of toys we have, who has more pets, and how many airplanes we each get to throw!

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Intro to 2D Shapes

We’ll learn how to identify shapes like triangles, squares and circles! We'll also learn that the shape of an object doesn't change even if we make it bigger or turn it. And we'll explore how this knowledge can help us send cards to our friends, earn badges, and even get honey from bees!

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Intro to 3D Shapes

How to identify three dimensional shapes like spheres, cubes and rectangular prisms. The shape does not change even if it's made bigger or is turned on its side. This knowledge can help us plan a party, take care of pets and even enjoy ice cream.

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Create New Shapes From Existing Ones

We'll learn how to put together 2D shapes to make new shapes. We’ll also learn how to make 3D shapes from 2D shapes. And we'll explore how this knowledge can help us make origami, quilts and even pizza!

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Intro to Measurements: Weight & Length

Introduce you to measurements like length and weight! How to compare measurements to see which object is heavier and which object is taller! How this knowledge can help us have a pasta party, compare our toys, and organize our room!

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Classify Objects by Attribute (Color, Size & Shape)

We'll learn how to classify objects by attributes. That we can classify things by color, size, or even by shape. And, we'll explore how this knowledge can help us clean up a messy room and even make an art project!

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Intro to Addition

We’ll learn that addition is putting 2 groups together to find the total. That we can add by counting ALL the objects we have, or by starting at one number and counting ON. And, we'll explore how this knowledge can help us take care of kittens, eat cupcakes, and even dig for dinosaur bones.

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