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5th Grade Science Videos & Lessons. Try it free.

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Top 5th Grade Lessons

Properties of Matter

Matter is a substance that has weight and takes up space. Matter can be identified through its properties like magnetism, density and solubility. Knowing the properties of matter can help you pick the right material for the job.

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Food Webs

A food web is a model of intersecting food chains. Food of almost any kind can be traced back to the sun. Decomposers break down dead organisms.

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Chemical vs. Physical Changes

In a chemical change we form an entirely new substance. In a physical change, we don't form a new substance. Physical changes also occur when matter changes states.

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Water Cycle (3-5 Version)

Water on Earth is millions of years old and is constantly being recycled. Water vapor is constantly evaporating from the surface of the Earth. Water vapor in the air condenses to form clouds. Water falls back to earth and the cycle repeats.

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Moon & Its Phases

The moon’s phases are caused by its orbit around the earth. The moon does not make its own light, it only reflects it. The phases of the moon repeat in a cycle about every 28 days. The moon is smaller than the sun but appears the same size because it’s closer.

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Particle Nature of Matter

All matter is made of particles that are too small to be seen. Particles are 100,000 times smaller than the width of a human hair. In a gas, particles of matter move freely around and take the shape of their containers.

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Sun and Other Stars

Our sun is a star of average size and brightness. Stars come in different sizes and distances from Earth. Stars that are farther away appear smaller and dimmer.

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Interactions of Earth’s Spheres

The earth has 4 major spheres. The spheres are the geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere. The spheres interact to effect Earth’s systems and processes. For example, the atmosphere interacts with land to affect weather.

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Earth’s Orbit & Rotation

The earth rotates on its axis every 24 hours. The earth orbits around the sun every 365.25 days. Earth’s rotation causes observable patterns like night & day. Earth’s orbit causes some stars to be visible only in certain months.

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How Do We Use Food

The food we eat gives our bodies energy. Energy from our food actually comes from THE SUN! The sun’s energy is transferred to plants & animals that become our food.

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Water Quality & Distribution

97 percent of Earth's water is in oceans. Plants and animals depend on clean water to survive. Humans can negatively affect water quality even if they live far away from it.

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What Is Science? (3-5 Version)

Science is the process of learning about the natural world through observation and experimentation. The more evidence we have about a theory the more confident we are about it. You must be willing to change your mind based on new evidence. Many things around us appear to be science but are not.

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