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Videos y clases de ciencia y matemáticas para K-8.

Obtenga acceso a horas de divertidos videos basados en estándares, material de lectura, trivias, manualidades y más.

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matemáticas para K-8.

Accede al instante a horas de divertidos videos, material de lectura, trivias, actividades sencillas y mucho más.

Science Lessons Math Lessons Change Subject

We Cover 97% of the Course of Study: Science in Alabama.

We Cover 100% of the Next Generation Science Standards in Alaska.

We Cover 96% of the Science Academic Standards for Students in Arizona.

We Cover 100% of the Science Academic Standards in Arkansas.

We Cover 100% of the Next Generation Science Standards in California.

We Cover 100% of the Science Academic Standards in Colorado.

We Cover 100% of the Next Generation Science Standards in Connecticut.

We Cover 100% of the Next Generation Science Standards in Delaware.

We Cover 92% of the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards in Florida.

We Cover 96% of the Science Standards of Excellence in Georgia.

We Cover 100% of the Next Generation Science Standards in Hawaii.

We Cover 98% of the Science Content Standards in Idaho.

We Cover 100% of the Next Generation Science Standards in Illinois.

We Cover 94% of the Science Academic Standards in Indiana.

We Cover 100% of the Core Science Curriculum in Iowa.

We Cover 100% of the Science College and Career Ready Standards in Kansas.

We Cover 100% of the Science Academic Standards in Kentucky.

We Cover 100% of the Student Science Standards in Louisiana.

We Cover 100% of the Science Parameters for Essential Instruction in Maine.

We Cover 100% of the Next Generation Science Standards in Maryland.

We Cover 95% of the Science Curriculum Frameworks in Massachusetts.

We Cover 98% of the K-12 Science Standards in Michigan.

We Cover 94% of the Science Academic Standards in Minnesota.

We Cover 94% of the Science College and Career Readiness Standards in Mississippi.

We Cover 98% of the Science Learning Standards in Missouri.

We Cover 100% of the Science Content Standards in Montana.

We Cover 100% of the Science Academic Content Standards in Nevada.

We Cover 100% of the Science College and Career Ready Standards in Nebraska.

We Cover 98% of the Science College & Career Ready Standards in New Hampshire.

We Cover 100% of the Science Student Learning Standards in New Jersey.

We Cover 98% of the STEAM Ready! Standards in New Mexico.

We Cover 98% of the Science Learning Standards in New York.

We Cover 92% of the Science Essential Standards in North Carolina.

We Cover 100% of the Science Content Standards in North Dakota.

We Cover 94% of the Science Learning Standards in Ohio.

We Cover 100% of the Science Academic Standards in Oklahoma.

We Cover 100% of the Science Standards in Oregon.

We Cover 90% of the Science Academic Standards in Pennsylvania.

We Cover 100% of the Next Generation Science Standards in Rhode Island.

We Cover 94% of the College and Career Ready Science Standards in South Carolina.

We Cover 100% of the Science Content Standards in South Dakota.

We Cover 93% of the Science Academic Standards in Tennessee.

We Cover 94% of the Streamlined Science TEKS in Texas.

We Cover 98% of the SEEd Standards in Utah.

We Cover 100% of the Next Generation Science Standards in Vermont.

We Cover 98% of the Science Standards of Learning in Virginia.

We Cover 100% of the Next Generation Science Standards in Washington.

We Cover 100% of the Next Generation Science Standards in West Virginia.

We Cover 95% of the Science Model Academic Standards in Wisconsin.

We Cover 100% of the Science Content and Performance Standards in Wyoming.

We Cover 100% of the Next Generation Science Standards in Washington DC.

We Cover 100% of the National Curriculum in England.

We Cover 96% of the Australian Curriculum.

We Cover 100% of the National Curriculum in England.

We Cover 96% of the Australian Curriculum.

We Cover 96% of the Alberta Program of Studies.

We Cover 91% of the British Columbia Learning Standards.

We Cover 87% of the Manitoba Curriculum.

We Cover 95% of the Ontario Curriculum.

We Cover 91% of the Quebec Education Program.

We Cover 98% of the Saskatchewan Curriculum.

We Cover 96% of K-8 Common Core Math Topics. California specific alignment in progress.

We Cover 96% of Alaska's Math Content and Performance Standards.

We Cover 91% of the Course of Study: Mathematics in Alabama

We Cover 94% of Arizona's College and Career Ready Standards - Mathematics

We Cover 94% of the Math Academic Standards in Arkansas

We Cover 97% of the California Content Standards: Mathematics

We Cover 97% of the Math Academic Standards in Colorado.

We Cover 97% of the Math Academic Standards in Connecticut.

We Cover 97% of the Math Academic Standards in Washington DC.

We Cover 97% of the Math Academic Standards in Delaware.

We Cover 95% of the Math Academic Standards in Florida.

We Cover 97% of the Math Standards of Excellence in Georgia.

We Cover 97% of the Math Content and Performance Standards in Hawaii.

We Cover 96% of the Math Content Standards in Idaho.

We Cover 96% of the Math Student Standards in Iowa.

We Cover 97% of the Math Learning Standards in Illinois.

We Cover 94% of the Math Academic Standards in Indiana.

We Cover 94% of the Math Academic Standards in Kansas.

We Cover 95% of the Math Academic Standards in Louisiana.

We Cover 94% of the Math Curriculum Frameworks in Massachusetts.

We Cover 97% of the Math College and Career Ready Standards in Maryland.

We Cover 97% of the Math Learning Results in Maine.

We Cover 97% of the Math Academic Standards in Michigan.

We Cover 91% of the Math Academic Standards in Minnesota.

We Cover 95% of the Math Learning Standards in Missouri.

We Cover 95% of the Math College and Career Readiness Standards in Mississippi.

We Cover 97% of the Math Content Standards in Montana.

We Cover 95% of the Math Standard Course of Study in North Carolina.

We Cover 95% of the Math Content Standards in North Dakota.

We Cover 95% of the Math Content Area Standards in Nebraska.

We Cover 97% of the Math College & Career Ready Standards in New Hampshire.

We Cover 97% of the Math Student Learning Standards in New Jersey.

We Cover 97% of the Math Content Standards in New Mexico.

We Cover 97% of the Math Academic Content Standards in Nevada.

We Cover 98% of the Math Learning Standards and Core Curriculum in New York.

We Cover 99% of the Math Learning Standards in Ohio.

We Cover 94% of the Math Academic Standards in Oklahoma.

We Cover 98% of the Math Academic Content Standards in Oregon.

We Cover 97% of the Math Core and Academic Standards in Pennsylvania.

We Cover 94% of the Math World-Class Standards in Rhode Island.

We Cover 93% of the College and Career Ready Mathematics Standards in South Carolina.

We Cover 94% of the Math Content Standards in South Dakota.

We Cover 93% of the Math Academic Standards in Tennessee.

We Cover 96% of the Streamlined Math TEKS in Texas.

We Cover 95% of the Math Core Standards in Utah.

We Cover 96% of the Math Standards of Learning in Virginia.

We Cover 97% of the Math Content Standards in Vermont.

We Cover 97% of the Math K-12 Learning Standards and Guidelines in Washington.

We Cover 95% of the Math Academic Standards in Wisconsin.

We Cover 96% of the College and Career Readiness Standards for Mathematics in West Virginia.

We Cover 95% of the Math Content and Performance Standards in Wyoming.

We Cover 97% of the Math Academic Standards in Kentucky.

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Grades 3-5
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cute puppies with different inherited traits play Variación de los rasgos
Grades 3-5
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scientist demonstrates unbalanced forces using a fire extinguisher play Fuerzas equilibradas y desequilibradas
Grades 3-5
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water cycle diagram for kids play El Ciclo del Agua (versión 3-5)
Grades 3-5
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sodium metal reacts with water causing an explosion play Propiedades de la Materia
Grades 3-5
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scientist shows kids the ocean play Océanos, Lagos y Ríos
Grades 3-5
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view of earth's orbit and rotation from space play La Órbita y Rotación de la Tierra
Grades 3-5
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kids examine a collection of fossils play Fósiles y Extinción
Grades 3-5
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scientist and kids explore freezing play Calentamiento y Enfriamiento
Grades 3-5
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sparks fly when energy is transferred to flash paper play Transferencia de Energía
Grades 3-5
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scientists look at stars through a telescope play El Sol y otras Estrellas
Grades 3-5
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diagram of how light is sensed by the eyes and the signal travels to the brain play Procesamiento Cerebral de los Sentidos
Grades 3-5
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Simbiosis (Interacciones entre Organismos) play Simbiosis (Interacciones entre Organismos)
Grades 3-5
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scientist kids pose as pollinators play Polinización y Dispersión de Semillas
Grades 3-5
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girl pulls a slingshot made of elastic material play Propiedades y Propósitos de los Materiales
Grades 3-5
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scientist examine how magnets have poles that repel and attract play Imanes y Electricidad Estática
Grades 3-5
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girl feeds a lemur food play Redes Alimentarias
Grades 3-5
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scientist use flash paper to demonstrate the conservation of matter play Conservación de la Materia
Grades 3-5
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closeup of a large cricket eating a leaf play Los Ecosistemas
Grades 3-5
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baby crocodile held by a child play Los Animales Ayudan a sus Crías a Sobrevivir
Grades 3-5
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toy cars race to demonstrate friction play Patrones de Movimiento y Fricción
Grades 3-5
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man in a plant suit gets drenched in water play Las Plantas Necesitan Agua y Luz
Grades 3-5
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scientist lifts a weight to demonstrate use of muscles play Sistemas del Cuerpo Humano
Grades 3-5
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lava erupts from a volcano in a natural disaster play Desastres Naturales
Grades 3-5
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scientist explains sunlight to kids in the desert play La luz solar calienta la Tierra
Grades 3-5
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scientist and kids reflect laser light off a mirror play Reflexión de la Luz y Visión
Grades 3-5
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kids explain how to classify materials by their properties play Clasificación de los Materiales
Grades 3-5
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scientist demonstrates how matter is made of particles using a vacuum chamber play La Naturaleza de las Partículas de la Materia
Grades 3-5
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scientist and kids shivering from cold weather play Tiempo vs. Clima
Grades 3-5
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flamingos gather in a group to eat food play El Comportamiento de los Grupos de Animales
Grades 3-5
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morse code is used to transfer a signal play Transmisión de Información
Grades 3-5
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girl sits close to a penguin and discusses its life cycle play El Ciclo de Vida de Animales y Plantas
Grades 3-5
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children with hard hats listening to a scientist play La Escala de Tiempo de los Eventos de la Tierra
Grades 3-5
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fish swimming through bag water quality play Calidad y Distribución del Agua
Grades 3-5
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scientific demonstration of light painting play ¿Qué es la Ciencia? (Versión 3-5)
Grades 3-5
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Air Masses Weather Fronts Video for Kids play Masas de Aire y Frentes Meteorológicos
Grades 3-5
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Introducción al Cambio Climático play Introducción al Cambio Climático
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