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8th Grade Math Videos & Lessons. Try it free.

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Top 8th Grade Math Lessons

Scientific Notation

We'll learn how to express numbers in scientific notation. We'll also learn how to carry out operations with numbers expressed in scientific notation. And we'll discover that this knowledge can help us measure planets, climb mountains, and even go on a cruise! Let's explore!

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Square Roots & Cube Roots

We'll learn how to find the square root of any number. We will also learn how to find the cube root of any number. And we'll see how this knowledge can help us rescue animals, frame paintings and even make resin art!

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Integer Exponents

About negative exponents! How to do operations with negative exponents. That we can use this knowledge to help us look at microorganisms, help wildlife, and even learn about elements!

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Graphing Linear Equations: Slope & y-intercept (y= mx + b)

We'll learn how to graph an equation in the form y = mx + b. We will also learn how to find the equation of a line on a coordinate plane. And we'll see how this knowledge can help us ride Go-Karts, visit a theme park and go skiing!

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Determine The Number of Solutions for Linear Equations

We'll learn that some algebraic equations have 1 solution. We’ll also learn that some algebraic equations have NO solution or INFINITE solutions. And we'll see how this knowledge can help us make delicious food, do science experiments, and even study animals!

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Solve Systems of Equations

We will learn that when you have TWO equations that share the same variables we call that a system of equations. We will learn to solve them by graphing OR by using algebra. And we'll see how this knowledge can help us have a bbq, work at a roller-rink, and even take care of animals!

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Intro to Functions

We’ll learn that a function is a special type of equation in which one input produces one output. We will also learn how to identify functions from graphs and data tables. And we’ll see that this knowledge can help us juice sugarcane, get carnival tokens, and make tasty treats!

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Transformations: Rotations & Dilations

We’ll learn that dilations make shapes larger and smaller. We will also learn that rotations turn shapes around a point on a coordinate plane. And we'll see how this knowledge can help us make art, edit photos, and even solve a mystery!

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Transformations: Reflections & Translations

We'll learn about REFLECTIONS on a coordinate plane. We will also learn about TRANSLATIONS on a coordinate plane. And we'll see how this knowledge can help us design a website, create special effects, and even make posters!

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Pythagorean Theorem

We'll learn about the Pythagorean Theorem. That we can use the Pythagorean Theorem to find the lengths of all sides in a right triangle. We'll see that this knowledge can help us make a skateboard ramp, build a home for bees and even watch a movie!

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