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Senses Definition

Senses are something animals use to find out information about the world around them so they can survive. Our five senses are sight, smell, taste, touch and feel.

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The Five Senses

Fun Facts

  • Tigers use their eyes to hunt and find food.
  • Elephants use their trunk to explore the world and find food.
  • Pigs can find food buried underground using their sense of smell.

Why Do We Need To Know About Senses

Learning about our senses helps us understand how important they are for different jobs and for keeping us safe and healthy. For example, being able to see helps scientists identify plants and chefs to cook. Tasting helps make sure food is good to eat.

Hearing is needed for jobs like firefighting where listening for alarms can save lives. Smelling and feeling are important for people working with plants to tell if they are healthy. These examples show that our senses do more than just help us live; they help us in our jobs and keep us safe.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are senses?
Senses are the ways that animals and plants can get information about the world around them in order to meet their needs and survive.
What are the body parts we use for our five senses?
We use our eyes for seeing, our ears for hearing, our noses for smelling, our tongue for tasting, and our skin for touching.
What are some ways that animals in the wild use their sense of sight?
The tiger uses its two eyes to hunt and find food. The spider uses its many eyes to watch for danger. There are many examples and sometimes an animal can use the same sense in many different ways.
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