Pattern Definition
A pattern is something that repeats, happening the same way more than once. For example, the sun rises and sets daily, showing a pattern.
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Patterns in the Sky
Fun Facts
- The sun, moon, and the stars appear to move across the sky in a pattern.
- Patterns can be made of numbers, shapes, or even events that happen in nature.
- By knowing patterns we can predict what will happen next.
Why Do We Need To Know About Pattern
Learning about patterns helps us predict the future, which is really important in many jobs. By looking at how things happen over and over, like how the sun moves, people can make smart choices in weather forecasting and planning cities.
This helps in making sundials, improving solar panels, guiding spaceships, and even farming by making better calendars. Understanding patterns helps us get ready for what’s coming, which is useful in lots of different jobs.
Frequently Asked Questions
Check out the Full Lesson on Patterns in the Sky
In this lesson, we learn that:
- The sun, moon and the stars all move across the sky in a pattern.
- The sun rises in one part of the sky and sets in another part.
- The moon and stars also rise in one part of the sky and set in another part.
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