Newton’s 2nd Law Of Motion Definition
Newton's 2nd Law of Motion states that heavier objects need a larger force to make them move. For example, a metal ball needs more force to move as far as a plastic ball.
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Newton’s Laws of Motion
Fun Facts
- Pushing a car requires more force than pushing a shopping cart.
- A heavier child on a swing needs more force to reach same height as a lighter child.
- Newton's 2nd law of motion is typically represented by the equation Force = Mass x Acceleration.
Why Do We Need To Know About Newton's 2nd Law Of Motion
Newton’s 2nd law of motion helps us understand how forces make things move and why this is important for many jobs. For example, engineers need to know how the weight and type of material affect how something moves and the force needed when they design things that move.
This law is used in normal life, like getting off a boat safely, and in special jobs, like designing cars to survive crashes or building spacecraft. It helps make things like cars and planes safer and shows how useful and widespread this knowledge is.
Frequently Asked Questions
Check out the Full Lesson on Newton’s Laws of Motion
In this lesson, we learn that:
- Newton's 1st law tells us that an object won't change its motion unless acted upon by a force.
- Newton's 2nd law tells us that heavier objects need a larger force to move them.
- Newton's 3rd law tells us that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
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