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Mineral Definition

A mineral is a natural solid with consistent composition and properties. For example, minerals can crystallize from cooling hot water.

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Rocks & Minerals (Including Rock Cycle)

Fun Facts

  • Amethyst forms large crystals and is found around the world.
  • Minerals will be seen in each phase of the rock cycle.
  • Pyrite, also known as fool's gold, is shiny and yellow.

Why Do We Need To Know About Mineral

Studying minerals helps us see how they are used in everyday life. For example, minerals like quartz are important for making things like phones and watches work properly, showing how they’re used in technology today.

Also, when scientists who study rocks and minerals figure out how to get useful metals like aluminum and copper from rocks, it helps many industries. Plus, learning about the fossils in rocks tells us about Earth’s past.

Frequently Asked Questions

How are rocks and minerals different?
Minerals are solid, naturally formed substances that always have the same composition and the same properties. Rocks are made of minerals.
How do crystals form?
Hot water dissolves minerals. When the water evaporates, it leaves behind the dissolved minerals in a crystal structure.
Describe three ways rocks make our lives easier.
Gabbro is a type of rock used to make roads; granite is used in building materials; coal is used to generate electricity; and shale is used to make bricks.
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