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Melting Definition

Melting changes a solid to a liquid by heat. For example, ice melts when heated.

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Heating and Cooling

Fun Facts

  • Heat causes chocolate to melt from solid to liquid.
  • Butter melts to liquid when heated.
  • Crayons melt when heated.

Why Do We Need To Know About Melting

Learning about melting helps us understand how materials change. This is important for different jobs. For example, in cooking, knowing how to melt butter is key to making tasty food.

This idea is useful in studying the environment, like seeing how melting ice affects the climate. It’s also helpful in everyday tasks, like ironing clothes to get rid of wrinkles. Melting is used at home and at work.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some examples of heating?
Heating up marshmallows in a fire and heating up clothes with an iron are both examples of heating.
What are some examples of cooling?
Cooling down a drink with ice and cooling your breath due to the cold air outside are both common examples.
When you heat up a stick of butter, what state of matter does it become?
Butter changes from a solid to a liquid when it is heated.
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