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Humidity Definition

Humidity measures the amount of water vapor in the air. For example, high humidity makes air feel sticky.

View Lesson on Air Masses & Weather Fronts
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Air Masses & Weather Fronts

Fun Facts

  • Humidifiers add water to the air, making it more humid.
  • Hot and wet air masses form around the Caribbean islands.
  • Cold and wet air masses form in the Northern Atlantic ocean.

Why Do We Need To Know About Humidity

Learning about humidity helps us understand the weather better, including why it’s important to predict it correctly. Weather experts, called meteorologists, need to know about humidity to forecast the weather well. This is important for planning our days and keeping safe. Knowing about humidity also helps us because it affects how hot or cold we feel and what the air feels like.

Also, studying humidity is key to getting ready for big storms like tornadoes and hurricanes. Being prepared can save lives. We use special tools like weather balloons and satellites, along with our knowledge of humidity, to make better weather forecasts. This helps protect people and their things.

Frequently Asked Questions

How would you describe an air mass?
An air mass is a large mass of air that has similar characteristics such as temperature and humidity.
What causes air masses to move around?
Prevailing winds, which are winds that blow in one direction, move air masses around. These winds are caused by the uneven heating of air.
What happens when two air masses crash into each other?
When two air masses collide, they form a weather front. Dramatic weather changes can happen such as wind, rain and thunderstorms.
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