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Group Behavior Definition

Some animals form groups to help members survive. Animals may work together to find food and defend themselves.

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Animal Group Behavior

Fun Facts

  • Geese fly in V-shaped formation to save energy.
  • Fish swim in schools for safety from predators.
  • Meerkats take turns watching for predators.

Why Do We Need To Know About Group Behavior

Knowing about group behavior helps you see why working together is important.  Groups can be different sizes and have different jobs.  Pods of whales, swarms of bees, and herds of cattle help each other survive.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do ants demonstrate group behavior?
Ants work together in a group called a colony or an army to help them survive, grow and reproduce. They build their homes by digging tunnels, create bridges for other ants to cross, cut leaves and bring them to the nest to grow fungus, which feeds the whole group.
How do honeybees work together in groups?
Honeybees work together to build nests, reproduce and gather food for the whole group. Worker bees collect nectar from flowers and take it back to the hive to feed the young bees.
How do animals form groups as part of the “great migration” in Africa?
Animals like wildebeest travel in large groups (thousands or millions) as they migrate hundreds of miles across the savannah in search of food. These groups keep individuals protected since so many animals are looking out for predators.
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