Gravity Definition
Gravity is an invisible force pulling everything down to Earth. For example, a dropped object will be pulled towards the ground.
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Gravity Pulls Things Down
Fun Facts
- Gravity pulls a watermelon down to the ground from a roof.
- Feathers and ping pong balls fall down to the ground due to gravity.
- Gravity slows down and pulls an egg back to the ground when thrown up.
Why Do We Need To Know About Gravity
Learning about gravity helps us see how important it is in our everyday life and in many jobs. It affects everything from sports to space travel. It influences how we design things, play sports, and live our lives. Gravity is more than just a force; it’s what keeps everything stable and moving correctly on Earth.
Think about how gravity affects the building of skyscrapers, how we walk, and even how we grow. In jobs like engineering and healthcare, understanding how gravity works helps professionals create new solutions and fix problems. From making buildings safer to knowing how our bodies work, gravity is a key part of these jobs.
Frequently Asked Questions
Check out the Full Lesson on Gravity Pulls Things Down
In this lesson, we learn that:
- Gravity is a force that pulls everything down.
- Everything on Earth is affected by gravity.
- Without gravity, we could just float away into space.
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