Ecosphere Definition
An ecosphere is a self-sustaining ecosystem in a sealed sphere with organisms and elements like water. For example, algae grow using sunlight and feed shrimp, whose waste nourishes the algae.
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Fun Facts
- Energy and nutrients cycle through an ecosphere, from the sun to algae to shrimp to bacteria.
- If there was no sunlight, an ecosphere would be unable to survive.
- Ecospheres can last for years without opening if balanced correctly.
Why Do We Need To Know About Ecosphere
Studying ecospheres helps us see how all forms of life are connected and why it’s important to keep a variety of living things around. For example, botanists, who look at plants, help us understand how different plants and animals work together in nature. Also, learning about how bacteria break down dead stuff shows us how microbiology can help with things like waste management and keeping natural areas healthy.
Human activities can hurt these natural systems. This shows why we need to do things in ways that don’t harm the environment. Jobs in studying animals, protecting the environment, and teaching people about nature all need a good understanding of the ecosystem. Even small things show us there’s a lot to learn and do in the field of environmental science and conservation.
Frequently Asked Questions
Check out the Full Lesson on Ecosystems
In this lesson, we learn that:
- An ecosystem is a community of interacting organisms & their environment.
- Organisms only survive in an ecosystem when their specific needs are met.
- Newly introduced organisms can throw off the balance of an ecosystem.
- A healthy ecosystem has many different kinds of organisms.
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