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DNA Definition

DNA holds the code that makes up living things. For example, DNA's code dictates an organism's development and functioning.

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Genes & Mutations

Fun Facts

  • DNA in human cells is about two meters long.
  • DNA can be used to identify specific organisms because it is unique.
  • Forensic scientists use DNA to solve crimes.

Why Do We Need To Know About Dna

Learning about DNA helps you see how experts like crime scene investigators and virus researchers use these genetic clues to solve crimes and fight diseases. This information is important for jobs that help keep people safe and healthy.

Crime scene experts look at DNA to figure out who was involved in a crime, and virus researchers study DNA to find ways to treat and stop virus spread. Understanding DNA is key to making our world safer.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is DNA and why is it important?
DNA is short for deoxyribonucleic acid and it is the genetic material that contains the code that makes an organism.
What are chromosomes and what do they do?
Chromosomes are tightly coiled strands of DNA that are in the cells of all living things.
What are genes and how do we get them?
Genes are sections of DNA that are found in our chromosomes. Genes are passed from parents to offspring.
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