Definition Of Extreme Weather
Extreme weather includes anything that falls outside normal patterns. For example, hurricanes and floods.
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Extreme Weather Solutions
Fun Facts
- Based on data, we know that extreme weather in the form of hurricanes can be expected in the Atlantic Ocean from June 1 until November 30.
- Seawalls can be built to protect coastal areas from high waves due to extreme weather.
- Tornadoes are a type of extreme weather with winds that can reach up to 300 miles per hour.
Why Do We Need To Know About Definition Of Extreme Weather
Learning about extreme weather helps us understand why it’s important to be prepared. It shows us how the work of engineers, city planners, and health experts is needed for keeping us safe. Engineers create things like special walls and building parts to protect us from floods and tornadoes.
Looking at past extreme weather helps us guess what might happen in the future. This helps weather experts and people who manage disasters do their jobs better. This knowledge also helps in making energy-saving cooling methods and planning city green spaces, showing us different job options in green design, protecting the environment, and handling emergencies.
Frequently Asked Questions
Check out the Full Lesson on Extreme Weather Solutions
In this lesson, we learn that:
- Extreme weather is the result of natural processes.
- We can’t eliminate these hazards but we can reduce their impact.
- Engineers develop solutions to protect us from extreme weather.
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