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Chloroplasts Definition

Chloroplasts are the organelles where photosynthesis takes place. For example, they turn carbon dioxide and water into sugars.

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Plant & Animal Cells

Fun Facts

  • Plant cells contain chloroplasts for photosynthesis; animal cells do not.
  • Chloroplasts are green and mostly found in the leaves of plants.
  • Root cells like onions don't need chloroplasts because they are underground.

Why Do We Need To Know About Chloroplasts

Learning about chloroplasts helps you understand how plants make food and oxygen through photosynthesis. This is important for farming, taking care of the environment, and even for making renewable energy and biofuels. It shows why studying plants is key to solving energy problems.

Also, knowing about chloroplasts can lead to jobs in science fields like molecular biology, biotechnology, and healthcare. It can help in creating new ways to make food, like lab-grown meat, and in finding new ways to treat diseases. Chloroplasts have many uses in today’s world.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between a unicellular organism and a multicellular organism?
Single celled organisms are made up of only one cell. An amoeba is an example of a unicellular organism. Multicellular organisms are made up of more than one cell. People, dogs and plants are all examples of multicellular organisms.
Why is the mitochondria of a cell important?
The mitochondria is where sugar is converted into energy. The cell needs energy in order to carry out its everyday functions.
What function does a cell wall serve for a plant?
The cell wall gives a plant cell support and structure allowing the plant to stand upright. This is important so that the plant can get sunlight in order to do photosynthesis.
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