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Science Kit for Classrooms

Welcome to the Classroom Kit

Your class will explore materials that can make instant snow, draw patterns that glow, and make a team high-five. Start with Instant Snow below!
GenerationGeniuses Play Trailer
<p>Create Instant Snow.</p>
Experiment 1

Create Instant Snow.

Learn about how polymers can absorb water to make new materials like gels, fake snow and more.

<p>Draw Patterns That Glow.</p>
Experiment 2

Draw Patterns That Glow.

Learn about the powers of light and how ultraviolet light reacts with special materials that release as a glow.

<p>Make A Team High-Five.</p>
Experiment 3

Make A Team High-Five.

Learn about the properties of a liquid and how pH indicators are used to reveal a property of the liquid.

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