facebook Read About The Needs of Animals | Science for Kids | Grades K-2 [PDF]
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Read About How Animals Need Food

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scientist feeding a monkey

All animals need food and water to survive. Different animals eat different kinds of foods. Animals get their food from their environment.

To better understand why animals need food…

WHAT DO ANIMALS NEED?. All animals need food and water to survive. Different animals eat different kinds of foods. Animals get their food from their environment. To better understand why animals need food…


Some animals like a porcupine eat plants.

baby porcupine eats fruit

A porcupine eats plants or things that grow on plants. They often eat leaves and bark from a tree. Sometimes they eat berries that grow on plants.

Some animals like a porcupine eat plants. A porcupine eats plants or things that grow on plants. They often eat leaves and bark from a tree. Sometimes they eat berries that grow on plants.
baby porcupine eats fruit

Animals have features that help them find food.

porcupine eating in a tree

The porcupine has different features that help it get food. The porcupine has sharp claws to help it climb trees, and sharp teeth to help it eat bark from a tree.

Animals have features that help them find food. The porcupine has different features that help it get food. The porcupine has sharp claws to help it climb trees, and sharp teeth to help it eat bark from a tree.
porcupine eating in a tree

Animals use their senses to help them find food.

lizard uses its tongue to smell for food

The Savannah monitor uses its sense of smell to find food. It has a tongue that can smell insects which it eats to survive. Many animals, such as frogs, mainly eat bugs.

Animals use their senses to help them find food. The Savannah monitor uses its sense of smell to find food. It has a tongue that can smell insects which it eats to survive. Many animals, such as frogs, mainly eat bugs.
lizard uses its tongue to smell for food

Some animals like a wolf eat other animals.

wolf hunts for food

A wolf is a meat eater and eats other animals to survive. Wolves eat rabbits, deer and sometimes sheep. Wolves hunt in packs, which makes catching their food easier.

Some animals like a wolf eat other animals. A wolf is a meat eater and eats other animals to survive. Wolves eat rabbits, deer and sometimes sheep. Wolves hunt in packs, which makes catching their food easier.
wolf hunts for food

People need to eat food to live and grow, too.

delicious pizza with a hand taking one slice

Most people eat food three times a day. We call those times breakfast, lunch and dinner. People eat fruits, nuts, leaves, chicken and many other things made from plants and animals.

People need to eat food to live and grow, too. Most people eat food three times a day. We call those times breakfast, lunch and dinner. People eat fruits, nuts, leaves, chicken and many other things made from plants and animals.
delicious pizza with a hand taking one slice


What living things eat. They need it to live and grow.
A feeling you get when you need food.
To stay alive.
An animal that is hunted by another animal.
An animal that hunts another animal.
The flesh of an animal used for food.
Things necessary to live.


Why do animals need food?

Animals need food to live and grow. Without it they would not survive.

What kinds of things does a porcupine like to eat?

Porcupines eat leaves, bark and berries, which all come from plants. It is one of many animals that eats plants.

How does a Savannah monitor find its food?

It uses its tongue to smell for food. It can use its tongue to figure out which direction the food is located. Savannah monitors like to eat bugs.

How does a monkey get a nut out of its shell?

A monkey bangs the nut on a hard surface. After it cracks, the monkey can pull it apart with its hands. It can also use tools like a stone to smash the nut open.

What does a wolf eat?

A wolf eats other animals such as rabbits, deer or even sheep. A wolf is a meat eater and needs meat to live and grow.

How does a wolf catch its food?

Wolves hunt in a group which makes it easier to catch their food. They also use their great sense of sight and smell to find prey.
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