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The Solar System Activity for Kids

Finding Planets in the Sky DIY

  • Duration: 20-30 min
  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Cost: $0 to $10

Learn how to find planets in the night sky!

Material List

  • 1Smartphone or Tablet
  • 1Free Astronomy App


  • 1Download a free astronomy app from your smartphone or tablet. Some of the best apps are Star Chart, Night Sky, and SkyView.
  • 2An astronomy app can show you where the planets are and when they are visible. As you move the device the map adjusts to show different constellations and planets.
  • 3You can also buy a telescope from any number of websites, including Amazon for a better view.
  • 4Another option is to join an astronomy club in your area.

How It Works

An astronomy app can show you where the planets are and when they are visible. As you move the device the map adjusts to show different constellations and planets. The name planet comes from the Greek work for ‘wanderer’, because we can see them wander across the sky more quickly than stars. Planets are visible when they reflect light from the sun. Remember, planets do not make their own light. If you want to take it to the next level, you can use an inexpensive telescope to see Saturn’s rings or the moons of Jupiter. If you want an even better view, you can find astronomy clubs in your area that have professional telescopes.

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