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Comparative Anatomy Activity for Kids

Owl Pellet Dissection DIY

  • Duration: 45-60 min
  • Difficulty: Medium
  • Cost: $10

Learn how to search for bones in an owl pellet and compare your skeleton to that of a rodent.

Material List

  • 1Pair of Tweezers
  • 1Popsicle Stick
  • 1White Piece of Paper
  • 1Sterilized Owl Pellet, you can buy online for under $10
  • 1Bone Identification Chart, usually comes with the owl pellet


  • 1Open your sterilized owl pellet on top of the white piece of paper.
  • 2Use the Popsicle stick to gently break apart the pellet.
  • 3Use the tweezers to pick up and examine the bones that are in the broken-up pellet.
  • 4Lay the bones out on the piece of paper and use the bone identification chart to sort and arrange the bones by animal.
  • 5Once sorted, you can observe and see some similarities between the bone structures of rodents and humans.

How It Works

Since owls donā€™t have teeth, they swallow their prey whole. The undigested bones and fur are then regurgitated as a pellet, which is a great place to look for the bones of rodents. A rodent's bone structure, along with many other organisms, are very similar to humans. For example, the arm of both a rodent and a human have the same pattern: One bone in the upper arm, connected to two bones in the forearm, which is connected to a bunch of little bones in the wrist, and those bones are connected to fingers. This is one piece of evidence that we may be related.

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