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Natural Resources Activity for Kids

Make Your Own Paper DIY

  • Duration: 20-40 min
  • Difficulty: Medium
  • Cost: $0 to $5

Recycle old newspaper by making your own paper!

Material List

  • 1Blender (Adults only)
  • 1Wire hanger
  • 1Plastic tub filled 1/3 with water
  • 1Pantyhose
  • 1Newspaper
  • 1Bottle of white glue
  • 1Tablespoon
  • 1Roll of paper towels


  • 1Bend the coat hanger into a square shape.
  • 2Stretch the pantyhose over the hanger.
  • 3Tie a knot on both ends to keep the pantyhose flat, tight and secure.
  • 4With help from an adult, add newspaper pieces and water to the blender.
  • 5Blend for one minute.
  • 6Put 2-tablespoons of glue into the tub of water.
  • 7Add the newspaper mixture and mix it up.
  • 8Dip the hanger into the mixture, then carefully lift it out slowly.
  • 9Put the frame somewhere safe to dry.
  • 10Peel off the new paper!
  • Warning:Only do this DIY with an adults help.

How It Works

Paper is made from trees. Trees are an important natural resource. When you use old newspaper to make new paper, you are recycling part of a tree! Recycling is a great way to conserve our natural resources.

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