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Material Properties and Purposes Activity for Kids
Instant Snow DIY
- Duration: 20 min
- Difficulty: Medium
- Cost: $0 to $5
Use material found in diapers to make movie snow!
Material List
- 2Baby diapers
- 1Plastic cup
- 1Ziploc bag
- 1Pair of scissors
- 1Cup of water
- 1With the help of an adult, cut open two baby diapers.
- 2Pull out the fluffy material inside and put it in a Ziploc bag.
- 3Seal the bag and shake it for 30 seconds.
- 4With the help of an adult, cut one small corner of the bag to get the powder out.
- 5Put the powder into an empty plastic cup.
- 6Pour warm water into the cup about halfway.
- 7Wait one minute and then observe what is in the cup.
How It Works
The powder inside a diaper is made of a super absorbent material. When you mixed water with the powder, it absorbed it like a sponge. Because of this useful property, this material is used in babies’ diapers to help clean up a baby’s mess.
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