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Chemical Reactions Activity for Kids

Make An Egg Bouncy DIY

  • Duration: 10 min. then leave overnight.
  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Cost: $0 to $10

Make an egg soft and bouncy with a chemical reaction!

Material List

  • 1Uncooked egg
  • 1Cup of vinegar
  • 1Jar


  • 1Fill up the jar with vinegar, enough to submerge the egg.
  • 2Place the egg in the jar.
  • 3You will see bubbles starting to form.
  • 4Leave the egg in the jar overnight.
  • 5Take out the egg and carefully clean it off.
  • 6After wiping it dry, you can squeeze it, shine a light through it or carefully bounce it.

How It Works

Normally, eggs aren’t soft or bouncy. The shells are made of a chemical called calcium carbonate. When you let the egg sit in the jar of vinegar overnight, the acetic acid in the vinegar reacts with the calcium carbonate in the shell. This causes the atoms to regroup and form a new substance of water, carbon dioxide, and calcium acetate. These new molecules are not white and hard like the calcium carbonate shell. These molecules have different properties and the egg without its shell becomes soft and bouncy.

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