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Introduction to Light Activity for Kids
Shadow Puppets DIY
- Duration: 15-30 min
- Difficulty: Easy
- Cost: $0 to $5
Use a light and potato chip lid to make shadow puppets!
Material List
- 1Phone with a light app, (point source lights work better than flashlights)
- 1Large black permanent marker
- 1Cup of water
- 1Clear lid from a potato chip tube
- 1Draw one shape (heart, fish, star, etc.) with the marker on the lid.
- 2Fill in the shape with the marker so it is completely black.
- 3Let the ink dry for at least one minute.
- 4Then flip the lid over and color the shape again so it is really dark.
- 5Turn on your phone light and hold the lid in front of it.
- 6Turn off the lights and point the symbol towards a wall.
How It Works
This works because the phone or flashlight is a source of light. The light shines through the clear part of the lid which is transparent. The shape drawn with the marker is opaque and blocks the light. The opaque shape appears as a shadow on the wall.
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