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Engineering Design Process Activity for Kids

Paper Table Challenge DIY

  • Duration: 45-60 min
  • Difficulty: Medium
  • Cost: $0 to $5

Take the paper table challenge! Your task is to hold up a book using only paper and tape!

Material List

  • 1Newspaper Sheets
  • 3Heavy Books
  • 1Roll of Tape


  • 1Try not to copy Adam's design. Instead, use the engineering design process to make your own!
  • 2Phase 1: Define the engineering problem.
  • 3Phase 2: Develop possible solutions.
  • 4Phase 3: Optimize the design solution.

How It Works

Engineers use the engineering design process to solve problems. In this case, we need to hold a book 15 centimeters above the table using up to 20 sheets of newspaper and 2 meters of tape. Next, you can develop possible solutions, which can include researching, designing on paper, on a computer, and of course building and testing it. Most designs are not perfect the first time, so you can then optimize the design solution to improve it. This process is used for everything engineers make.

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