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Classification of Living Things Activity for Kids
Candy Classification DIY
- Duration: 30 min
- Difficulty: Easy
- Cost: $0 to $20
Classify candy using a dichotomous key!
Material List
- 7Different types of candy
- 1Piece of paper
- 1Pen
- 1Study the different types of candy and put them into 2 broad groups, based on their shared traits.
- 2Once you have the 2 groups sorted, split each group into more specific groups.
- 3Continue this until you are left with just one type of candy.
- 4Make a dichotomous key based on the traits you sorted by.
- 5The key should be a flow chart, with a simple question at each step.
How It Works
Living things are classified by scientists using shared traits to help them understand how they are related. We can use this same process to classify candy! Each question in the key leads you to another question until it finally leads to one type of candy. This activity can be done with leaves and many other things around you. Sorting by shared traits is an important skill to practice since it is used in many scientific investigations.
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